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Books Page

The title, 'Communicating with The World Unseen', was the first book I had written. It took me about four years. It was because I wrote it while working and was very busy with other projects. 


It is partly about my early life, which then goes on to the development of my mediumship. It has been popular with many asking if there is to be another.


I am writing the second one, called 'Living With Spirit', and hopefully will be published around the end of 2024. Again, I have included more involved and sensitive experiences, which some I am sure will be able to identify with if working in that field.  

You can purchase my book from Amazon or order from all good bookshops. My thanks go to Author House for the illustrations and publication. Copy and paste the following (Communicating with the World Unseen) or click on one of the Amazon links below.  (this web address for USA)

I am in the process of writing my second. This will go into depth and include more hauntings we went to. Plus, there will be some transcripts from the original typed notes included.


Many have asked me about trance and rescue work. These chapters will also be included, but some will be moderated due to the content of the original sessions.   

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