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Elms Experiments 


Table Tipping is where two or more people will place their fingers lightly on top of the table. Then, after some time, the table will move in any direction on what seems to be under its own steam.


In some cases, it will rush from side to side; in other instances, it may try to lift itself off the floor.


The above picture shows a cloth over the table and a tube. The box on the top has a small light connected to a battery, and a simple switch device is inside the tube. The energy created exits via the tube moves a contact inside and lights up the small bulb on top of the table.


Questions that are asked and can be answered with a simple yes or no, (one light for yes and two for no) are used as a form of communication. Very often, you could feel the air coming out of the tube. Although this looks primitive by today's standards, it worked very well.


Many homemade devices were made like this, but they worked very well. In addition, all the questions asked and the answers were written down for future reference.

We started with a light bamboo table and worked our way up to heavier tables. 

More pictures and stories may be added at a later date.


Using this device enables Spirit to draw a rough sketch. Two people put their fingers on the board with a pen/pencil at the top. Two small wheels are also part of the underneath, which allows the board to move quickly over the paper. In effect, the pen/pencil makes the third wheel.

Although the sketches are rough, you can clearly make out the image. Some say that the persons with their fingers on the board are pushing the board. Yes, they are, but Spirit directs the persons where to push the board. 

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