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The group above was called 'The East Lindsey Metaphysical Society,' ELMS for short. The members above came together around 1968. Each member came from a different walk of life. 

Each one had a different interest in the paranormal, which gave the group a good and diverse appeal. However, the group were interested in something other than attracting local paper radio or television companies. I joined the group around late 1969 or early 1970.

This was the group that would help start me on my journey of Spiritual development. I would also be the only working medium from those who came and left the group over the years. 

Technology was primitive in those days compared to today's. Most of what happened during sessions were recorded one way or another. At least we would have a paper trail to look back on.

Over the next forty years, the ELMS would investigate many so-called hauntings and apparitions.

The equipment used were several cameras, reel-to-reel tape recorders, thermometers, video and film cameras and other simple equipment. 

I am sorry to report that most of the above have passed on. 

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