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History Page

The first time I knew something would happen was when I was about seven years old. I won a prize in a school competition.


All the children who won prizes were invited to go to the town hall with their parents. Each child went up to the front to receive their award.


I won a ruler and a pair of compasses with other items. But, as soon as I touched the plastic pouch, I knew I would lose them. And I  did.


It would be another five years when my subsequent encounter started. That's why I wrote my first book, 'Communicating With The World Unseen.'


Not only as an autobiography but also to explain how I started on my Spiritual pathway.

I was extremely fortunate to have an excellent teacher who helped me develop my mediumistic skills early on. Although that teacher has passed, my learning continues to this present day.


Although I did use tea leaves, flowers, ribbons and crystals for demonstration purposes, and still do in some cases, these are considered props by some and can be helpful tools when starting. You will then elevate your communication skills to that of evidential mediumship.


Covid saw many churches go online, which has helped people continue contacting their loved ones in the spirit world. As churches started to re-open, there was a small decline in the number of people attending on Zoom. However, Zoom and other social media platforms have stayed popular, giving online spiritual services. 


Church demonstrations are still important, and I will endeavour to carry on. Also, I have teamed up with a beautiful medium that gives first-hand evidential evidence. 

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