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Picture Readings 


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If the demonstration is to be conducted in the church or hall or community centre, you will be asked to bring a photograph which can be black-and-white or colour in an envelope.


When you enter the building, you will be given one part of a raffle ticket; the other will be Sellotaped to the envelope.


At the beginning of the service, all the envelopes will be brought forward to the rostrum. The chairperson will choose an envelope from the pile, and read out the number; if it is your number that is called, you do not say it is yours. The chairperson will then open the envelope and place it before me.


I will then proceed to read the person's character in the photograph. If more than one person is in the picture, I will try to identify which one is to be read.


Once I have given the character reading of that person, I will ask the person in the congregation to identify who brought that photograph.


Time permitting, I will then give a short message from the person in the photograph to the person in the congregation. Once this has been completed, I will ask for the next envelope to be opened.

The next demonstration will be on Friday, 27th October 2023 on Zoom. The Start time is 7:30 pm UK time. The Zoom numbers are below.

87962036281 pass SFU2021


As with any form of mediumship, there is no guarantee. Click on the blue link below for the poster page. 

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